
Monday, March 26, 2012

Women RULE.

Ladies: as you know American women are upping their way on the power scale. Here are some fun facts reinforcing women rule :)
  • According to TIME women have pulled ahead of their male counterparts in higher education. Women now hold half of non farm jobs in the US and own a third of all businesses.
  • In 47 of the 50 largest metro areas in the US single, childless women in their 20's make more money than their male peers. 
  • In 1975 mothers who worked outside the home with a child of 6 years or less was 39% compared to 2008 64%
  • 44% of women are NFL Fans
  • 58% of US online retail dollars spent is from women
  • 80% of US health care decisions were made by women. 
Women are spending more money which changes the way companies operate.

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