
Friday, August 22, 2008

And so it begins

This year, my daughter will be attending preschool. Next year it'll be preschool again, and the year after that, kindergarten. My husband seems to think that back-to-school shopping consists of buying a new backpack, getting new sneakers and a hair cut, maybe a new jacket for the fall, and some school supplies.

HAH. He's in for a real treat. Sure, our daughter will be getting all of that... and then some! Back to school shopping is all about new fall clothes. I did it all throughout my childhood and teen years, and my daughter will too. Only my mom made me shop for new clothes at K-Mart and the like (but still, five or six pairs of jeans and three or four tops can quickly add up!), and I can definitely see my daughter wanting only the best and demanding designer kids clothes. And sucker that I am for everything fashionable, I'll probably give in. God help our checkbook!


Owen Cutajar said...
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Owen Cutajar said...

Well, the great thing about being online is that you can shop around and reduce the dent in your checkbook (maybe). You don't need to spend much to get designer children's clothes and there are lots of places to shop around from. Don't forget, your daughter won't be small forever, so enjoy buying her all the cute clothes you can.

silvergirl0007 said...

My dad is the same way, he never understood back to school shopping. The BEST part is the new wardrobe that you get to show off to your friends and I want my kids to experience it the same way I did as well so I'll be on your bandwagon and be surfing sites for designer baby clothes when I have kids so they have the cutest of everything even as infants. That can then transition into their kids and teenage years. As they get older so will the prices but they're worth it.

KH said...

That was my favorite part of going back to school...getting new stuff!! I recommend saving yourself some time, money, and sanity and just shopping online for most of your daughter's new clothes. There lots of cute, sassy items over at that she is bound to love!

Debbie said...

you can find some great designer childrens clothes at awesome prices if you just look around. Having two girls I know about denting the checkbook but they are worth it.

Kenbox said...

aww I'm so happy to hear about your daughter growing up!! If you're looking for deals, check out Estella! They have some great stuff for some great prices! Plus, you can shop from home :-)